Ready NC- L1 (Corpse Flower)
- Due Dec 8, 2018 at 4pm
- Points 2
- Questions 2
- Available Dec 3, 2018 at 12am - Dec 11, 2018 at 11:59pm
- Time Limit None
The Corpse Flower
How do I identify the central idea and key details in a passage?
Learning Target:
6.RI.2 | I can determine a central idea of a text and how it is conveyed through particular details. |
1. Watch the following video about the Corpse Flower:
2. Read the passage on the Corpse Flower aloud as a class, taking turns. Then, answer the Close Reading questions on the side of the page with the class. Hilight or underline responses to the Close Reading questions in your book. Subsequently, answer the questions on page 7 in the questions on this page. Submit your answers in Canvas.
Here's a link to the text to annotate in Kami: Corpse Flower and Questions.pdf
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