#5: Down Rabbit Hole

  • Due May 8, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Points 100
  • Questions 4
  • Available May 3, 2020 at 12am - May 8, 2020 at 11:59pm
  • Time Limit None


Watch the following videos for two different interpretations of Chapter 1 Down the Rabbit Hole of Alice in Wonderland.

This one is the one that your teachers grew up with, LOL!

This one is the newest version from 2010.

Follow along in your My Perspectives Book pgs. 363-366 while Chapter 1 is read out loud to you.

Click for Down the Rabbit Read Aloud alice_01_carroll.mp3

READ CAREFULLY:  Think about characterization: the way a writer develops and reveals a character's personality and temperament. 

With direct characterization, a writer simply tells us what a character is like.  EXAMPLE:  Fernando is friendly. 

With indirect characterization, the writer shows readers a character's traits by describing the character's actions and behavior, or presenting the character's words or thoughts.  EXAMPLE:  Fernando smiled warmly and asked the new girl, "Do you want to join my friends and me for lunch?"...oooohhh...he's got a crush and is acting very friendly towards her. 

It's up to you, the readers, to make inferences or draw conclusions about a character based on the clues the writer provides.

Now think carefully about what you read in Down the Rabbit Hole and answer the 4 questions that follow.

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